Sunday, November 10, 2013

11 . 11 . 13 | Efficient Orthogonal Design

The March 2013 government publication Efficient Orthogonal Design (AHRQ 13-0024-EF) authored by Mathematica under the direction of Dr. Randy Brown, is now gaining attention from health plans and the healthcare industry as a whole.

The research used in part informal working sessions comingout of the multi-year collaboration between Nobi’s Kieron Dey and Dr. Brown. Citing also published papers by KK Moore, the report is important for its introduction of large, orthogonal designs to test many interventions simultaneously in healthcare, also known as comparative effectiveness studies within the healthcare industry. The paper highlights an example testing about a dozen interventions in a disability study that worked to reduce hospitalizations within a population including both physical and behavioral disabilities.

One of the publication’s strengths is in adapting the original theory into a practical guide that any organization can adopt using analytical expertise already on staff.

See More:
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- AHRQ Efficient Orthogonal Design Article Search