Wednesday, August 1, 2012

08 . 01 . 12 | Nobi Presents At ISRN Event

Nobi Speaks at the 2012 Summer Institutes on Evidence-Based Quality Improvement

Following the Network News article (3/20/12) Nobi was invited to speak at the 2012 Summer Institutes on Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Seminar held July 17th to the 21st in San Antonio, TX. 

Tracing the origins of the scientific method through the 1923 discovery of statistical design to pioneering work in application to CM/DM generally, Nobi’s Kieron Dey provided case studies and fragments to illustrate a new but long proven method for practical innovation in healthcare generally.

Aspects of management, science, statistics and economics were summarized together with what will cause mainstream adoption from an understanding of its prevention to date.

Insight into organizational dynamics and human nature that are an essential aspect of the scientific method resonated with the 160 clinicians, nurses, physicians, administrators and graduate students in attendance. These elements revealed how implementation (the hardest part) has been made straightforward in delivering and sustaining results predicted by studies. Central to the rapid cycle time for innovation the talk emphasized the ability of orthogonal design to evaluate 20+ changes to treatments or clinical models simultaneously without increasing sample size over RCT norms. The upshot of thereby evaluating over a million potential treatment variants was explained.

Advanced mathematical constructs employed in orthogonal design were simplified. For example the meaning of orthogonality itself (the device which allows cause and effect of 20+ interventions at once to be established) was demonstrated visually with a newspaper. The surprising fact that false alarm rate decreases when testing 20+ interventions was explained and proven with actual data.

Further speeding safe research, the reason why single-shot large orthogonal studies require no refining or validation testing was demonstrated by case example (as is known from a full appreciation of the subtending theory).

Interest continued by correspondence with attendees after the conference including “I thought “yawn” ..but, found [orthogonal design coupled with economic control]...the most interesting and provocative topics at the entire conference.”

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